Saturday, August 4, 2007

Neoconservative Group Linked to Rampant Idiocy

Submitted by bibimimi on Sat, 08/04/2007 - 1:16pm.

August 3, 2007
Associated Press

WASHINGTON, DC.— Political observers say they have observed cherry picked intelligence linked to the slaying of countless Iraqi citizens and close to 3,600 American soldiers during a series of strategic releases and cynical manipulation of public fear and opinion.

Colleagues said Richard Perle, William Kristol, noted idiot Douglas Feith, and other members of the Project for the New American Century had been working on a story about remaking the Middle East. They sold the film rights to the Bush Administration who within 5 years time blew the thus-far over trillion dollar budget and have yet to produce anything but death, destruction, disease and auto-ethnic cleansing. When plague theory ultimately runs it's course, the film reportedly will finance itself with untold reserves lying beneath the sand and corpses.

--no link. see? any monkey...

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