Sunday, August 19, 2007

if Gore did what Bush isdone, no doubt CM wld. be fine w/it all!

Submitted by dr on Sun, 08/19/2007 - 3:01pm.
that was pretty good.
Submitted by Anonymous on Sun, 08/19/2007 - 12:32pm.
do my eyes deceive...a compliment in the skies


I expect folks ain't been remiss to hand outta a compliment to you b/c they're stingy, CM.

It's more on account of you seldom say anything that ain't just been salvaged outta the rancid vats of ditto-head septic tanks.

Or it might could be b/c you take a sadist's delight in irritating folks w/the sophist's bad-faith sport of setting up and knocking down pathetic straw-men arguments and then rustling yer pom-poms 'n declaring, "Oh, my, what a clever boy am I! Liberals suck! Conservatives rule! Yay! Goooo team!"

It's a tired, mean-spirited, deceitful shtick that any of us can get any day of the week from Rush "the Oxycontin Kid" Limbaugh or Sean "Who Knew Jughead Hadda Evil Twin?" Hannity or Bill "Feel My Falafel of Love!" O'Reilly or Michael "Yeah, So I'ma Closet Wiener, So What!" Savage.

The iron law of movement-conservative barratry: reactionary sophistry is the very flotsom and jetsam upon which rats and their assorted parasites cling to when they abandon a transparently sinking ship.

Liberal smoking bans? The menace of global warming? That's the best you can do, CM? In our times? In these times? Methinks the movement-conservative doth protest too much.

Reflexive pearl-clutching over the unspeakable horrors of the liberal nanny-state while gamely ignoring actual authoritarian measures like government-sanctioned torture, the abdication of the 4th amendment, the on-going illegal NSA wire-tapping, and the hijacking of the U.S. military (and Constitution) against the will of the people and then daring -- fucking daring -- the Congress to call the executive's bluff by declaring a Constitutional crisis that somehow (gasp!) doesn't involve a blowjob, well, nothing short of impeachment would even begin to placate you, CM, if a Democrat had done any -- a.n.y. -- of the things that Bush has done. 'Fact, right now, this very moment, CM, if a Dem had done any of what Bush has done, you'd be shrieking from the treetops like a howler monkey (hypocritically, 'course, but rightly, for a blessed change) about how a "lawless authoritarian rogue presidency" is undermining our basic American freedoms and liberties and values and must be stopped.

But b/c Bush calls himself a "conservative", and b/c you identify yourself as what Bush calls himself, and b/c the toadies who follow Bush call themselves "conservative", and b/c you respect these toadies, you check your conscience at the door and willfully ignore the (transparent, on-going, unremitting) travesties of (movement-conservative) governance, travesties that you would not fucking dream of remaining silent about if those measures were initiated, much less enacted, by anyone but "one of your own".

I call bullshit, CM.

Specifically, I call reflexive, ditto-head, party-over-country, tribalistic bullshit.

Here's a deductive exercise for you, CM. Do you expect our boy-king to reign forever? Is it possible ("gasp! noooooo!") a Democrat could win the White House next cycle?

Maybe you oughtta think about how awful your life will be if ("horrors!") Hillary inherits the "unitary powers" that Cheney/Bush seek to establish and make precendentary.

(It's enough to make a reactionary hysteric like you join the local right-wing militia, I expect. Course, maybe the masochist in you would secretly delight in such a development. A valid reason to vilify Dems/liberals? What self-disrespecting movement-conservative wouldn't exult in that? After all, if it's bad for the country but CM still gets to deride liberals, then no matter the cost, it's all worth it, right?)

Jesu-Maria, but I am sick beyond belief of the shrieking harpies of the right who would never dream of allowing the offenses committed by the Bush administration to perpetuate and metasticize but for the embarrassing-but-true fact that Bush is (supposedly) "one of them". So it's all OK.

That says, forcefully, CM, that you are willing to allow the country to go to shit merely to assuage your wounded vanity. Evidently, you have that pathetically selfish distinction in common w/our pundit class.

But hey, go on beating the drum about Gore crying wolf! Beware the "scare-mongering of the liberal global-warming hoax"! (The new Green menace!)

Someone might actually ask us all to stop shitting in our collective beds, and Lord knows we wouldn't want that.

After all, that's just the way movement conservatives like it.

Pig, meet shit. Roll as desired.

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